Community Resources

Community Health Center of Cape Cod

210 Jones Road, Suite 22, Falmouth, MA 02540
107 Commercial Street, Mashpee, MA  02649
123 Waterhouse Road, Bourne, MA  02532

A non-profit federally qualified health center, providing access to health care for children, adults and families, welcoming patients with MassHealth, Medicare, Commonwealth Care, private insurance, or no insurance at all.

Falmouth Hospital

100 Ter Heun Drive, Falmouth, MA 02540
Coordinated medical care through a fully accredited and licensed hospital with local providers, and is part of Cape Cod Healthcare.

Falmouth Housing Authority

115 Scranton Avenue, Falmouth, MA 02540
A public agency that manages federal, state, and local affordable housing complexes, maintains waiting list and qualifies residents for units and rental assistance payments for seniors, the disabled, and low-income individuals and families living in Falmouth.

Falmouth Housing Corporation

704 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540
A non-profit entity that develops, owns and leases affordable rental units for seniors, the disabled, and low-income individuals and families living in Falmouth.

Town of Falmouth / Human Services Department

744 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

Human Services is a department of the Town of Falmouth that provides personalized support, guidance, and connections to resources to help residents during times of need. Our licensed, professional staff can provide: Information and referrals to a wide network of social service agencies and programs; Consultation, case management, advocacy and service coordination; and Behavioral health counseling. All services are confidential and are provided free of charge to Falmouth residents. Visit for more information and eligibility for services.

Falmouth Public Library

300 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 457-2555

Falmouth Public Schools

340 Teaticket Highway, East Falmouth, MA 02536
(508) 548-0151

Falmouth Senior Center

780 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 540-0196

Falmouth Service Center

611 Gifford Street, Falmouth MA 02540
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 208, Falmouth, MA 02541
(508) 548-2794
Provides assistance to our community including food, financial counseling and support, clothing and  and other essential services.

Falmouth Town Hall

59 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 548-7611

Falmouth Veteran Services

59 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, MA 02540

Falmouth Community Veteran Center
300 Dillingham Avenue
Falmouth MA 02540

Gosnold Treatment Center

200 Ter Heun Drive, Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 540-6550
Gosnold is the largest provider of addiction and mental health services on Cape Cod.

Housing Assistance Corporation

460 West Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601
(508) 771-5400

MA Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114
DHCD Hotline: (800) 632-8175

Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation

Ten Park Plaza, Suite 5170, Boston, MA 02116
Phone: (617) 973-8700
Consumer Hotline: (617) 973-8787 or 888-283-3757 toll free (MA only)

Wings for Falmouth Families

P.O. Box 843, Falmouth, MA 02541
Phone: 508-548-3479
Service: Provides local families financial assistance when they are experiencing a medical crisis or tragic event.

Falmouth Housing Trust is working to…

Make Falmouth affordable for our residents

Promote affordable homeownership and rental opportunities

Encourage employers to retain and create job opportunities

Rehabilitate housing to counteract community deterioration

Offer a hand-up for our neighbors in need